oven repair services

GE Oven Repair Service

GE Oven Repair Service – Appliance Repair Medic

Reasonable people can debate whether app-enabled ovens are a worthwhile concept, but GE isn’t waiting for you all to settle this. Its newest line of Profile wall ovens embraces the connected and gives you remote control over most oven functions including preheat, changing temperature, and viewing or setting timers. There are plenty of other features on the Profile wall oven line to make the case for this sort of appliance connectivity. Notification lighting provides a cool progress-bar effect for the timer and preheats status from across the room. It’s also compatible with GE’s Nucleus home energy management and monitoring box, should you have one. Beyond the new-fangled digitization, the Profile has plenty of traditional functionality worth considering. A heavy-duty smooth-rolling rack ensures that you won’t slosh turkey juice all over when unloading a monster bird. Just in case you do, though, there’s a quick steam-clean mode in addition to the regular long self-cleaning modes. The American-built Profile line is available in a variety of single- and dual-oven models and various finishes to conform to whatever aesthetic you employ in the kitchen. Appliance Repair Medic Provide a professional repair service in GE Oven. Here is some problems with GE ovens:

Oven temperature problem

As the oven igniter weakens over time, it will take longer for the gas valve to open. If there is an oven temperature problem, it may be that the oven igniter isn’t opening the gas valve when it should. This will cause the oven to cool down more than it should before the burner reignites. The oven temperature should not cool by more than 40 degrees before the oven igniter relights the burner. An oven temperature problem is usually easy to correct.

Oven Won’t Turn on

Even though the oven igniter may be glowing, it may be too weak to allow the gas valve to open. If the oven won’t turn on and the oven igniter glows for more than 90 seconds without igniting the gas flame, the oven igniter should be replaced. This is the most common part that fails when the oven won’t turn on.

Oven Light is Out

If the oven light is out, the entire light assembly may need to be replaced. Often the light assembly components are not sold separately.

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