Wolf Refrigerator Repair NY and NJ

Many homeowners have problems with their Wolf refrigerators. The problems that they have can be trickier to solve than you think. Some of the most common problems can be fixed easily because they can be classified as operator problems. Operator problems may consist of turning the thermoset in the Wolf refrigerator to very cold temperatures. When this occurs, the food in the refrigerator section can start to freeze.

This would not be a major problem for most foods because the low temperatures will not affect the freshness or its taste. However, there are foods in the refrigerator section that should not be frozen at all because the extra cold temperatures can completely destroy the food. For example, if the owner has oranges, lettuce, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, the high temperatures will freeze them. Frozen lettuce is not a good thing, especially when it thaws out because it simply wilts and taste wet. To correct this refrigerator operator problem (and perhaps even avoid Wolf Appliance Repair Medic), people who change the temperatures of the fridge should be aware of what they are doing. If they do not want these problems to continue, the thermostat should be placed at a more appropriate temperature, and then left alone.

On a Wolf refrigerator, if you find that your refrigerator is much too warm, then you will want to just turn the cooling dial up. All too often the problem is that the cooling dial was accidentally nudged or the temperature shifted a bit too much and no one adjusted the refrigerator to compensate. There is an exception though. If you find that your refrigerator is painfully warm and your freezer is just right, then you have a problem. If you turn the dial up then your freezer will be too cold and you will get frost on your frozen foods. This can ruin meat and vegetables with freezer burn. You can often solve this by unplugging your refrigerator, opening the back panel, and cleaning or replacing the fan back there. Other, more complicated issues can cause this and so if the problem persists then call technicians to have a trained technician examine the issue.

You may need to replace some of your refrigerator parts if it comes to this. If the refrigerator is not defrosting, the defrost timer might be defective. Several times a day the defrost timer is supposed to turn on the defrost heater to melt away any frost that may have accumulated on the freezer evaporator coils. If the timer is defective it won’t advance and won’t turn on the heater. Call Appliance Repair Medic today to repair it.